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THE DAY OF YAHWEH- A Biblical Eschatology
Albert James Dager - 360 Pages
The Day of Yahweh is an honest assessment of what Scripture says about how history will unfold as this temporal world winds down. Some of the conclusions will startle, even distress, those who are passionate about a particular eschatology learned at the feet of their favorite "end-times" teachers. We are challenged to consider prayerfully whether our allegiance is to particular teachers, or if we are willing to reassess our position in light of God's Word and verifiable facts of history.

At the same time, we are encouraged to test all things, including the conclusions offered in this book.
(Paperback) Item #B-1109


WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? Why Do You Believe It?
Albert James Dager - 102 Pages
Everyone believes something; no one doesn’t believe anything. What we believe, whether it has to do with religion or secular philosophy, impacts our lives. What you believe is important. But can you give a reasoned explanation for why you believe what you believe? Can you say for a certainty that your belief is superior to all other beliefs? You may accept or reject what the author has to say, but at least you will be able to assess your own belief system as true or false.
Item #B-1075



Is It Being Proclaimed Today?
Albert James Dager - 110 Pages
When Jesus was on earth He proclaimed what He called “the Gospel of the Kingdom.” He then commissioned His disciples to go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom and to make disciples from among the nations. But even from the beginning, there have been false gospels emanating from those who claimed to be messengers of God. Today we are witnessing a great apostasy based largely on the traditions of religious institutions. The many gospels emanating from pulpits, radio, and television often differ significantly from the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus. This book points the reader back to the Bible to discover the Gospel of the Kingdom proclaimed by Jesus and His disciples.

Item #B-1081




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